Many businesses authorize an experienced service provider with their billing processes. This way, the company can focus on its core business, e.g. develop and market its innovative products, while a competent partner manages the billing process.
dimari has implemented a varioSuite hosted solution, run by its employees. The customer keeps access to important functions, such as customer management, or tariff administration.
We would be happy to discuss individual potentials and opportunities of your organisation with you.
Billing Outsourcing Benefits
The Federal Regulatory Agency (BNetzA) is the legal regulatory authority in Germany. Under German law, telecom services must be registered with the BNetzA. The requirements which an operator must fulfil, are set in the Telecommunications Regulations (Telekommunikationsverordnung or TKG). The BNetzA specifies the conditions under which customer details may be stored and made available to the BNetzA. In order to satisfy those requirements, the existing data about German customers needs to be converted into the correct format and made accessible to the BNetzA.
This process entails high operating expenses. dimari offers a service to ensure the conversion of customer data into the correct format and makes the information available to the BNetzA through a secure connection. Thus, carriers can concentrate on their core business.
Processes can additionally be simplified when using varioCRM and varioBill. Smooth data transfer is guaranteed with standardized interfaces integrated in the modules.