
Telephony, Internet, TV

Efficient management of the telecommunication processes between your customers and your enterprise are the key to success. Workflows, designed specifically for each area, shall be combined in an overall solution.

Management of a telecommunications enterprise is complex and multi-layered, with multiple tasks. A multitude of products and tariffs become a harmonious whole.

varioSuite comprehensively satisfies these requirements in your end-to-end process. The modular building blocks cover the following areas in your enterprise:

  • Sales and Marketing
  • Customer Service and Engineering
  • Accounting
  • Resource Management
  • Web Modules


varioCRM covers all fixed and recurring charges and bills products e.g. for their time of usage, used frequency, kind of internet connection as well as fix prices. Products and product packages can be easily created and can have different bill cycles or periods of validity. A fast product set up process and a wide range of functionality assures noticeable advantages against your competitors.



With varioCRM you define an unlimited number of tariff models. All prising models for telephony, internet and cable television can be illustrated. The zone models and all relevant information for city, regional and national are preconfigured in the system.
