This CRM Software, specifically tailored to the Telecommunication market, supports you with the administration, regulation, and improvement of your customer relations.
The customer is the main focus. Your employees can now display all current information about the customer efficiently. Through exact handling, you can increase your revenues, increase your customer’s satisfaction, and motivate your employees.
varioCRM offers a wide range of functions, to guarantee customer management in sales, service, customer service, and technical questions. The integrated workflow management automatizes tasks, and provides efficiency and consistency.
varioCRM offers:
With the availability calender, you can determine just-in-time the requested appointment to activate the port of your customers. Orders to the coordinators of default handling are requested immediately, and can therefore be taken care of efficiently.
The calendar is connected to the activity list. The data will be transferred online and is therefore available to the whole sales team. This way, you can react quickly and efficiently to customer needs.
With this module, you organize and work on mailings, plus process a serial of invoices, start campaigns, and process marketing activities.
Modular expansion varioMail
• With BillMailing, you can send automated invoices and itemized bills.
• In Marketing Mailing, Marketing and Sales activities can be activated.
• Commission invoices can be sent out quickly and simply.
You can administrate technical resources (such as routers or numbers) simply and effectively. Your employees can give your customers the information during the first contact, at what time the order can be processed. varioResource can integrate all kinds of components and hardware of different suppliers. Also, you can integrate diverse hierarchies and their relations to one another. For example, you can save available ports and activate a pin directly with the order.